The latest from Atlas

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Atlas helping Kumar to go Kiwi!

Best skills: Raj Kumar
Meet Raj Kumar. He's twenty years old and he's the reigning Nepalese downhill champion. He started biking at age 7 on borrowed bikes until he won his first bike in a competition!

Local Queenstown bikers Amy Freedman-Davies and Jarrah Healy met Raj late last year as they journeyed through Nepal searching for MTB trails.

Both Amy and Jarrah were blown away by his skills (the best all round mountain bike skills they'd ever seen!!) and his passion for biking. Inspired by Raj's enthusiasm they decided to begin a fund raising effort to bring the young rider to Queenstown. 

Jarrah and Amy want to raise $5,000 to bring Raj to NZ so that his riding can be further enhanced by all things Queenstown! He'll have the opportunity to compete in local competitions, take part in the Queenstown Bike Festival and learn to build and maintain bike trails. 

Here at Atlas we've been greatly impressed by Amy and Jarrah's fundraising efforts which truly are testament to the camaraderie of the mountain bike scene. And, we are really excited to be one of the local businesses sponsoring Kumar Goes Kiwi!

If you would like to help too you can make donation here:

Big or small we can guarantee that any donation will be very gratefully received by Amy and Jarrah. 

Atlas will also be hosting the Kumar Goes Kiwi arrival party once Raj arrives in town. They'll be prizes and fun things going on so we'll keep you posted...

'til next time!

Atlas Beer Cafe